
This page show a previous version of the article

Current week's TODO list (Week 3):

  • Write templates for config files
  • Write playbooks for external services (continued..)

Previous work

Week 1 (19-05-2014 to 26-05-2014)

  • Create basic playbooks structure for the ansible project
  • Write playbook to set-up basic stuff on the server (update apt cache, install pip, install python modules, etc. )
  • Write playbook to set-up LEMP (nginx, mysql and php5)
  • Write playbook to set-up codebase on the server machine and get the basic development site running

Week 2 (27-05-2015 to 3-05-2014)

  • Continue writing playbook to set up codebase (implenting the approach discussed with lool0, liori and gillux)
  • Write playbook to install and set-up sphinx
  • Look into ansible templating system
  • Write playbooks for external services