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User scripts are relatively short pieces of code that can be installed, enabled, and disabled by individual users in order to modify the behavior of the Tatoeba user interface. These scripts can serve an important role in streamlining tasks that you do frequently and adding functionality that has not yet been incorporated into the main codebase. They typically are written and tested to work with the Mozilla Firefox browser, but they can work with other browsers as well. You will need to install the Greasemonkey add-on. See the Greasemonkey guide for additional information. Some scripts require editing for customization.

Finding scripts

At the moment, the best way of finding a current, comprehensive list of Tatoeba-related scripts is to search the website for scripts tagged "Tatoeba". To see a discussion of individual scripts, see the next section.

Description of individual scripts

  • Tatoeba search language switcher (author: Pandark) replaces the single-headed arrow between the two language fields at the top of the screen with a double-headed arrow. Clicking on the double-headed arrow swaps the values in the "From" and "To" fields. No editing is required.

  • Tatoeba default languages (author: FlamingTofu) moves your desired languages to the top of the language drop-down lists. You need to edit the script once to list the desired languages.

  • Tatoeba Sentence Timeline (author: jakovo) places log entries and tags chronologically between the comments on a sentence. No editing is required.

  • Tatoeba Symbol Insert Helper (author: jakovo) adds links for inserting special characters into the Tatoeba translation boxes. It can be edited in order to remove unwanted character sets from the list, add new ones to the list, or modify the order in which they appear, but this is optional.