
This page show a previous version of the article

Description of Tatoeba bookmarklets

Both of these bookmarklets will accept either sentence numbers (for example, "1000000") or sentence URLs (for example, ""). To get the URL of a sentence, right-click on a link to it and select "Copy Link Location" (or its equivalent in your browser).

* "Link To This Sentence"

The following bookmarklet will let you link the sentence on the current page to any other sentence by copying the latter's number or URL into a field. The text of the bookmarklet follows:


* "Link 2 Sentences"

The following bookmarklet will let you link any two sentences by copying their numbers or URLs into fields. It does not require you to be on a page that shows one of the sentences. However, you need to enter the numbers or URLs of both sentences. The text of the bookmarklet follows:


The bookmarklets on this page were written by AlanF_US, based on one written by Zifre.