List of Tatoeba bookmarklets

See Bookmarklets for an introduction to bookmarklets, including instructions for installing them.

Random Page of Untranslated Sentences

The following bookmarklet takes you to a random page between 1 and 100 (inclusive) of results from a search for all Esperanto sentences not translated into English. Here's a link that you can drag and drop into your browser's bookmark toolbar:

Random Page of Untranslated Sentences

The content follows:


  • To change the source language, edit the string "epo".
  • To change the destination language, edit the string "eng".
  • To change the minimum page number, edit the string "1".
  • To change the maximum page number, edit the string "100".

(Note: I broke the URL into fragments to avoid its being interpreted by the wiki code.)

Author: AlanF_US

