How to delete your account

What you have to do to delete your account

  1. Send a private message to TatoebaAdmins with the title "Account deletion".
  2. Optionally, tell us why you decided to delete your account.

Note: If the reason why you want to delete your account is that you want to stop receiving email notifications, you can instead just turn email notifications off in your settings.

When will your account be deleted

We usually try to take care of account deletions within a couple of days. However it could take up to a couple of weeks.

If you notice your account is still active after two weeks even though you have requested its deletion, do not hesitate to contact us again.

What will happen to your account

Complete deletion

For us to delete your account completely, it is required that you have not used the account to make any contribution.

In other words: on your profile page, in the "Stats" section, the numbers for "Audio recordings" and for "Contributions" need to be zero.

With a complete deletion, your user is removed from our database, as if you never registered.

Partial deletion

If you have made contributions via your account, we can only partially delete your account.

Concretely, this means that your account is only to set to "inactive".

Before we set the account to "inactive", you should erase any information that you do not want to remain (description, name, birthday, etc). The only pieces of information that you will not be able to erase are:

  1. Your email address. You will need to change it to a fake email address.
  2. Your username. We will take care of changing it into something less identifiable (for instance "user002").

If you have trouble deleting some information, or if you have forgotten to delete some information before we set your account to "inactive", feel free to contact ask us for assistance.

There is however some data that we will not delete unless there is a good reason for it.

  • We will NOT delete your sentences. We will transfer them to another member of Tatoeba when we find a volunteer to adopt them. Until we find a new owner, they will remain in your inactive account.
  • We will NOT delete your comments on sentences. You may delete them yourself, but take into consideration that deleting your comments can make a discussion confusing.
  • We will NOT delete your messages on the Wall.