How to handle account deletion requests

Before addressing a deletion request, always make sure that the person who requested the deletion owns the account that they want to delete.

  • Check that the user has written on their profile page "I want to delete this account".
  • If they haven't, then ask them to do so before you proceed.

The next step is to check if the user has done anything with their account. Go to their profile and then to "Show latest activity".

  • If the latest activity page shows no activity, you can use the "Delete" button from the admin page.
  • If the user has contributed sentences or posted comments, only deactivate the account:
    • Change the username to "userXXXX" where XXXX is the user ID.
    • Change the status to "inactive".
    • Make sure that "Send notifications" is unchecked.

After you have deleted the account, or set it to inactive, send an email to the user explaining what have done. Make sure the other admins are in CC.