About Tatoeba updates and how you can get involved

This article explains how we organize ourselves in order to develop Tatoeba. The goal of this article is to give the community more insight into what is going on behind the scenes and how to influence which features we work on next.

About GitHub

First of all, you need to know that our source code is hosted on GitHub, a very popular platform for open source projects.

If you can read code, you can follow our changes by looking at the commits. Note that this page lists the commits on the "dev" branch, but there can also be developments on other branches. Also note that the "dev" branch will usually contain code that has not been released on the main website yet, though sometimes it is prereleased on the dev website beforehand.

You can get an idea of our "todo list" by looking at the Issues page.

Milestones and updates

We create a milestone for each update we plan to do. The name of the milestone corresponds to the date of the update.

In each milestone, we add the issues that we would like to release for the corresponding date. If you'd like to know ahead of time what may be released in the next update, or if you'd like to see what has been released in a previous update, simply check the milestones.

Updates will usually happen every week, but some changes will take more than a week to implement, depending on the developers' availability and the difficulty of the tasks.

How you can get involved

If there is something that you would really like to be implemented, your best option is to join the developer team to work on it yourself.

Developers have the most influence on what is going to be implemented because they are the ones doing the work (in their own limited spare time), so the evolution of Tatoeba depends on what they are inspired to do.

However, even if you do not have any programming knowledge, you can still have an influence.

  • Follow regularly what we are doing on GitHub, check the milestones, check the issues that we have created and are creating.
  • Post a message on the Wall about the issues that you feel are most important (with a link to the GitHub issue page), explaining why you feel they should be prioritized.
  • If a lot of members express their agreement, there is a higher chance that we will address those issues sooner.