Version at: 05/04/2020, 22:13

[Go back to Advanced Search at](

#Advanced Search

The page [How to Search for Text]( describes how to search for text using the regular search bar at the top of every Tatoeba page. [Advanced search]( also allows you to search, but gives you more options. There are three main sections:

* Sentences
* Translations
* Sort

## Sentences

The **Sentences** section contains the following fields:

* **Words**: lets you enter a word or phrase, using the same rules as in [regular search](

* **Language**: lets you limit sentences to a specific language (ignored if set to "Any language")

* **Show translations in**: limits the translations shown for a sentence (ignored if set to "All languages")

* **Owner**: limits sentences to the ones owned by a particular owner, such as _TRANG_

* **Is orphan**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that are orphaned (not owned by anyone); if set to **No** (the default), finds only words that have an owner; if set to **Any**, will be ignored; note that the quality of sentences that are not owned by anyone cannot be trusted as much as sentences that have an owner 

* **Is unapproved**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that are unapproved; if set to **No** (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to **Any**, will be ignored; note that unapproved sentences should not be trusted

* **Has audio**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that have audio that you can listen to by pressing the speaker icon next to the sentence; if set to **No** (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to **Any**, will be ignored

* **Tags**: lets you specify tags (such as _@change_ or _imperative_) that sentences must have in order to match

* **Belongs to list**: choose a list of sentences, or leave as **Unspecified** to ignore

* **Owned by a self-identified native**: limit the search to sentences written in languages that the owners indicate in their profile as their strongest (usually their native language)


The **Translations** section lets you limit the search either to sentences with translations that have certain qualities, or to sentences with translations that **do not** have certain qualities. 

The first field in the section lets you choose between:

* **Limit to**: includes only sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

* **Exclude**: excludes sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

The other fields are as follows:

* **Language**: language of the translations; will be ignored if set to **Any language** 

* **Link**:  set to **Any** to choose sentences with direct and indirect translations; set to **Direct** to choose sentences with direct translations (sentences that someone has specifically marked as translations); set to **Indirect** to choose sentences that are translations of translations, but not necessary direct translations

* **Owner**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Is orphan**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Is unapproved**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Has audio**: for a description, see [Sentences](


The **Sort** section lets you choose the order in which sentences are listed. You can choose between the following options:

* **Relevance**: this option, which is the default, favors sentences that contain an exact match for the search query, followed by sentences with the fewest words (see [description](

* **Fewest words first**: favors sentences that contain fewer words

* **Last created first**:  favors sentences that were created most recently

* **Last modified first**: favors sentences that were changed most recently

* **Random**: lists sentences in random order

You can use "Reverse order" to reverse the order of the sort. It has no effect on **Random** sort order.

# Examples

## Example 1

[Example 1]( Find sentences with the following qualities:

* contain the word "live"
* written in English
* owned by CK
* not orphan
* not marked as unapproved
* with audio
* must have at least one direct translation in French

and list them from longest to shortest, showing only French translations.

## Example 2

[Example 2](*&from=epo&to=und&user=&orphans=no&unapproved=no&has_audio=yes&tags=&list=&native=&trans_filter=exclude&trans_to=deu&trans_link=&trans_user=&trans_orphan=&trans_unapproved=&trans_has_audio=&sort=modified&sort_reverse=): Find sentences with the following qualities:

* contain words starting with "lern"
* written in Esperanto
* without any direct or indirect translations into German

and list them from newest to oldest, showing all translations.

### Related Articles

[How to Search for Text](text-search)

<a href="">Go back to</a>

version at: 05/04/2020, 22:14

[Go back to Advanced Search at](

#Advanced Search

The page [How to Search for Text]( describes how to search for text using the regular search bar at the top of every Tatoeba page. [Advanced search] (, available via the "Advanced search" link within the search bar, also allows you to search, but gives you more options. There are three main sections:

* Sentences
* Translations
* Sort

## Sentences

The **Sentences** section contains the following fields:

* **Words**: lets you enter a word or phrase, using the same rules as in [regular search](

* **Language**: lets you limit sentences to a specific language (ignored if set to "Any language")

* **Show translations in**: limits the translations shown for a sentence (ignored if set to "All languages")

* **Owner**: limits sentences to the ones owned by a particular owner, such as _TRANG_

* **Is orphan**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that are orphaned (not owned by anyone); if set to **No** (the default), finds only words that have an owner; if set to **Any**, will be ignored; note that the quality of sentences that are not owned by anyone cannot be trusted as much as sentences that have an owner 

* **Is unapproved**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that are unapproved; if set to **No** (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to **Any**, will be ignored; note that unapproved sentences should not be trusted

* **Has audio**: if set to **Yes**, finds only sentences that have audio that you can listen to by pressing the speaker icon next to the sentence; if set to **No** (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to **Any**, will be ignored

* **Tags**: lets you specify tags (such as _@change_ or _imperative_) that sentences must have in order to match

* **Belongs to list**: choose a list of sentences, or leave as **Unspecified** to ignore

* **Owned by a self-identified native**: limit the search to sentences written in languages that the owners indicate in their profile as their strongest (usually their native language)


The **Translations** section lets you limit the search either to sentences with translations that have certain qualities, or to sentences with translations that **do not** have certain qualities. 

The first field in the section lets you choose between:

* **Limit to**: includes only sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

* **Exclude**: excludes sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

The other fields are as follows:

* **Language**: language of the translations; will be ignored if set to **Any language** 

* **Link**:  set to **Any** to choose sentences with direct and indirect translations; set to **Direct** to choose sentences with direct translations (sentences that someone has specifically marked as translations); set to **Indirect** to choose sentences that are translations of translations, but not necessary direct translations

* **Owner**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Is orphan**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Is unapproved**: for a description, see [Sentences](

* **Has audio**: for a description, see [Sentences](


The **Sort** section lets you choose the order in which sentences are listed. You can choose between the following options:

* **Relevance**: this option, which is the default, favors sentences that contain an exact match for the search query, followed by sentences with the fewest words (see [description](

* **Fewest words first**: favors sentences that contain fewer words

* **Last created first**:  favors sentences that were created most recently

* **Last modified first**: favors sentences that were changed most recently

* **Random**: lists sentences in random order

You can use "Reverse order" to reverse the order of the sort. It has no effect on **Random** sort order.

# Examples

## Example 1

[Example 1]( Find sentences with the following qualities:

* contain the word "live"
* written in English
* owned by CK
* not orphan
* not marked as unapproved
* with audio
* must have at least one direct translation in French

and list them from longest to shortest, showing only French translations.

## Example 2

[Example 2](*&from=epo&to=und&user=&orphans=no&unapproved=no&has_audio=yes&tags=&list=&native=&trans_filter=exclude&trans_to=deu&trans_link=&trans_user=&trans_orphan=&trans_unapproved=&trans_has_audio=&sort=modified&sort_reverse=): Find sentences with the following qualities:

* contain words starting with "lern"
* written in Esperanto
* without any direct or indirect translations into German

and list them from newest to oldest, showing all translations.

### Related Articles

[How to Search for Text](text-search)

<a href="">Go back to</a>


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.