Version at: 30/01/2015, 02:48

# Audio files on are contributed by volunteers.

If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.

If you would like to help by recording audio, please read these pages.

 * [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
   * CK is the one who will be helping you.

 *[Contribute audio for Tatoeba](
   * This page is on the Wiki.

version at: 30/01/2015, 02:49

# Audio files on are contributed by volunteers.

If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.

If you would like to help by recording audio, please read these pages.

  * [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
    * CK is the one who will be helping you.

  *[Contribute audio for Tatoeba](
    * This page is on the Wiki.


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.