Version at: 27/12/2015, 12:25
# Audio files on are contributed by volunteers.
If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.
If you would like to help by recording audio, please read these pages.
[CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
* CK is the one who will be helping you. Please read this page first or instead of the other page.
[Contribute audio for Tatoeba](
* This page is on the Wiki. For now, it is better to see [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
version at: 23/12/2018, 04:14
# Audio files on are contributed by volunteers.
[Go back to](https//://
If a sentence doesn't yet have audio, it's because nobody has recorded one for us.
If you would like to help by recording audio, please read these pages.
[CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
* CK is the one who will be helping you. Please read this page first or instead of the other page.
[Contribute audio for Tatoeba](
* This page is on the Wiki. For now, it is better to see [CK's Shtooka Recorder page](
The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version.
The lines in red are those that have been removed.