Version at: 19/11/2013, 19:34 vs. version at: 19/11/2013, 19:37
11# Sandbox
33Use this page to experiment with wiki markup.
55Nested bulleted list:
77* a
88 * a.b
99 * a.b.c
1010 * a.v
1111* z
1313Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):
1616if (a)
1717 b
1919 c
2222Temporary copy of "Guidelines and Rules" page:
2424#Guidelines and Rules
2828### We want complete sentences.
2929 * We don't want just words and phrases.
3030 * Phrases used as complete utterances in everyday conversation are OK if included in a dialog, showing their use in context.
3131 * Example: *"When did Tom arrive?" "Just before Mary did."*
3333### Don't include annotations as part of sentences.
3434 * Don't include things like the following inside your sentences.
35 * He/she (He/she said it was hot.)
35 * *He/she* as in *He/she said it was hot.*
3636 * Instead, you should submit 2 sentences.
37 * He said it was hot.
38 * She said it was hot.
39 * (Female Speaker)
37 * *He said it was hot.*
38 * *She said it was hot.*
39 * *(female speaker)* as in *She said it was hot. (female speaker)*
4040 * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
4141 * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.
42 * (By Mark Twain)
42 * *(by Mark Twain)* as in *If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. (by Mark Twain)*
4343 * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
4444 * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.
4646### Don't forget capitalization and punctuation.
4747 * Sentences should be written in the normal way that an educated native speaker would write them.
4949### Only adopt "orphan" sentences in your own native language.
5050 * Adopting is a way to give your "stamp of approval."
5151 * A "stamp of approval" by a native speaker means more, so that's why we have this guideline.
5353### Behave like mature adults.
5555* Collaborative projects such as ours work best when people cooperate and get along with each other.
5656* Read details: [Rules Against Bad Behavior](rules-against-bad-behavior)
5858## Hints and Suggestions
6060### When contributing new sentences that are not translations of other sentences, search first to help avoid submitting duplicates.
6262* Some duplicates are created naturally as you add translations to sentences. Our duplicate-merging script will eventually take care of these.
6363* However, if you are contributing a new sentence that is not a translation and that sentence is a duplicate, you waste other members' time, because they will unnecessarily translate a duplicate that has likely already been translated.
6464* Read details: [How to Search for Text](
6868## Suggested New Guidelines - Not Yet Official
7070### Don't submit strange sentences and translations
7171 * For example, don't translate a person's name, such as Dick, into the word "Haystack."
7272 * FRENCH: Dick essaya en vain de résoudre le problème.
7373 * [](
7474 * ENGLISH: Haystack tried in vain to solve the problem.
7878## Short Link to this Page
8282Regular members can use this link to direct new members to this page.
diff view generated by jsdifflib

Version at: 19/11/2013, 19:34

# Sandbox

Use this page to experiment with wiki markup. 

Nested bulleted list:

* a
  * a.b
      * a.b.c
  * a.v
* z  

Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):

if (a)

Temporary copy of "Guidelines and Rules" page:

#Guidelines and Rules


### We want complete sentences.
 * We don't want just words and phrases.
 * Phrases used as complete utterances in everyday conversation are OK if included in a dialog, showing their use in context.
  * Example: *"When did Tom arrive?" "Just before Mary did."*

### Don't include annotations as part of sentences.
 * Don't include things like the following inside your sentences.
   * He/she  (He/she said it was hot.)
      * Instead, you should submit 2 sentences.
          * He said it was hot.
          * She said it was hot.
   * (Female Speaker)
      * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
      * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.
   * (By Mark Twain)
      * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
      * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.

### Don't forget capitalization and punctuation.
 * Sentences should be written in the normal way that an educated native speaker would write them.

### Only adopt "orphan" sentences in your own native language.
 * Adopting is a way to give your "stamp of approval."
 * A "stamp of approval" by a native speaker means more, so that's why we have this guideline.

### Behave like mature adults.

* Collaborative projects such as ours work best when people cooperate and get along with each other.
* Read details: [Rules Against Bad Behavior](rules-against-bad-behavior)

## Hints and Suggestions

### When contributing new sentences that are not translations of other sentences, search first to help avoid submitting duplicates.

* Some duplicates are created naturally as you add translations to sentences.  Our duplicate-merging script will eventually take care of these.
* However, if you are contributing a new sentence that is not a translation and that sentence is a duplicate, you waste other members' time, because they will unnecessarily translate a duplicate that has likely already been translated.
* Read details: [How to Search for Text](

## Suggested New Guidelines - Not Yet Official

### Don't submit strange sentences and translations
 * For example, don't translate a person's name, such as Dick, into the word "Haystack."
  * FRENCH: Dick essaya en vain de résoudre le problème.
   * [](
  * ENGLISH: Haystack tried in vain to solve the problem.

## Short Link to this Page

Regular members can use this link to direct new members to this page.

version at: 19/11/2013, 19:37

# Sandbox

Use this page to experiment with wiki markup. 

Nested bulleted list:

* a
  * a.b
      * a.b.c
  * a.v
* z  

Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):

if (a)

Temporary copy of "Guidelines and Rules" page:

#Guidelines and Rules


### We want complete sentences.
 * We don't want just words and phrases.
 * Phrases used as complete utterances in everyday conversation are OK if included in a dialog, showing their use in context.
  * Example: *"When did Tom arrive?" "Just before Mary did."*

### Don't include annotations as part of sentences.
 * Don't include things like the following inside your sentences.
   * *He/she* as in *He/she said it was hot.*
      * Instead, you should submit 2 sentences.
          * *He said it was hot.*
          * *She said it was hot.*
   * *(female speaker)* as in *She said it was hot. (female speaker)*
      * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
      * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.
   * *(by Mark Twain)* as in *If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. (by Mark Twain)*
      * Instead, put this as a comment and ask for someone to add it as a tag.
      * If you have tagging rights, then tag it yourself.

### Don't forget capitalization and punctuation.
 * Sentences should be written in the normal way that an educated native speaker would write them.

### Only adopt "orphan" sentences in your own native language.
 * Adopting is a way to give your "stamp of approval."
 * A "stamp of approval" by a native speaker means more, so that's why we have this guideline.

### Behave like mature adults.

* Collaborative projects such as ours work best when people cooperate and get along with each other.
* Read details: [Rules Against Bad Behavior](rules-against-bad-behavior)

## Hints and Suggestions

### When contributing new sentences that are not translations of other sentences, search first to help avoid submitting duplicates.

* Some duplicates are created naturally as you add translations to sentences.  Our duplicate-merging script will eventually take care of these.
* However, if you are contributing a new sentence that is not a translation and that sentence is a duplicate, you waste other members' time, because they will unnecessarily translate a duplicate that has likely already been translated.
* Read details: [How to Search for Text](

## Suggested New Guidelines - Not Yet Official

### Don't submit strange sentences and translations
 * For example, don't translate a person's name, such as Dick, into the word "Haystack."
  * FRENCH: Dick essaya en vain de résoudre le problème.
   * [](
  * ENGLISH: Haystack tried in vain to solve the problem.

## Short Link to this Page

Regular members can use this link to direct new members to this page.


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.