Version at: 11/02/2014, 13:12
# Sandbox
Use this page to experiment with wiki markup.
## Bulleted lists ##
Nested bulleted list with two spaces for the second level of indentation and four spaces for the fourth:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
That list looks correct in the preview and correct in the final presentation.
Another list where there are two spaces for each level of indentation:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
Note that that list looks messed up in the preview, but correct in the final presentation.
and one where there are four spaces for each level of indentation:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
That list looks correct in both the preview and the final presentation.
Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):
if (a)
Bookmarklet test:
[1]: javascript:var%20p=Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);location.href=%22;
Second bookmarklet test:
[test 2a](javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http:\/\/%5B^\/%5D+\/%5Ba-z%5D{3}\/%29?%28sentences\/show\/%29?%28%5B1-9%5D%5B0-9%5D%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm%5B1%5D+%22links/add/%22+hm%5B3%5D+%22/%22+em%5B3%5D;location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};})
Third bookmarklet test:
[test 2][2]
version at: 11/02/2014, 13:18
# Sandbox
Use this page to experiment with wiki markup.
## Bulleted lists ##
Nested bulleted list with two spaces for the second level of indentation and four spaces for the fourth:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
That list looks correct in the preview and correct in the final presentation.
Another list where there are two spaces for each level of indentation:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
Note that that list looks messed up in the preview, but correct in the final presentation.
and one where there are four spaces for each level of indentation:
* a
* a.b
* a.b.c
* a.v
* z
That list looks correct in both the preview and the final presentation.
Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):
if (a)
Bookmarklet test:
[1]: javascript:var%20p=Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);location.href=%22;
Second bookmarklet test:
[test 2a](javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http:\/\/%5B^\/%5D+\/%5Ba-z%5D{3}\/%29?%28sentences\/show\/%29?%28%5B1-9%5D%5B0-9%5D%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm%5B1%5D+%22links/add/%22+hm%5B3%5D+%22/%22+em%5B3%5D;location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};})
Third bookmarklet test:
[test 2][2]
Fourth bookmarklet test:
[test 3][3]
javascript:var%20u%20=%20"";var%20e=window.prompt("Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of" +"%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one","");if(e!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9])(#.)?/;var%20em=e.match(r);if(em!=null){var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match(r);u=hm1+"links/add/"+hm[3]+"/"+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert("Invalid%20input.")};}
The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version.
The lines in red are those that have been removed.