Version at: 23/02/2014, 01:20

#Extracting UI Strings

These instructions describe how to extract UI strings so that they can be translated. The original source of these instructions, stored on Assembla, is here: [1]


##Markup for internationalized strings in the code

In the code, whenever developers write strings that will have to be translated, they use a special function whose name consists of a double underscore. A script (CakePHP's "i18n extract" script) can later be run to scan the code and extract the strings that are passed to this function.

    __(‘some text’) => echo ‘some text’;
    __(‘some text’, true) => return ‘some text’;

The language used in the code will be English.

##Running cake i18n

* Open a console on a Linux machine or Linux virtual machine.
* Type : /var/http/tatoeba/cake/console/cake i18n
* Choose : E (Extract POT file from source)
* When asked if you want to merge all translations into a single file, say yes
* Type in the path to app: /home/tatoeba/tatoeba-www/app
* Type in the path to locale: /home/tatoeba/tatoeba-www/app/locale
* Choose a name for the file that will be generated (in this example, default.pot): default.pot
* Choose: Q (quit)

version at: 23/02/2014, 01:21

#Extracting UI Strings

These instructions describe how to extract UI strings so that they can be translated. The original source of these instructions, stored on Assembla, is here: [1]


##Markup for internationalized strings in the code

In the code, whenever developers write strings that will have to be translated, they use a special function whose name consists of a double underscore. A script (CakePHP's "i18n extract" script) can later be run to scan the code and extract the strings that are passed to this function.


* __(‘some text’) => echo ‘some text’;
* __(‘some text’, true) => return ‘some text’;

The language used in the code will be English.

##Running cake i18n

* Open a console on a Linux machine or Linux virtual machine.
* Type : /var/http/tatoeba/cake/console/cake i18n
* Choose : E (Extract POT file from source)
* When asked if you want to merge all translations into a single file, say yes
* Type in the path to app: /home/tatoeba/tatoeba-www/app
* Type in the path to locale: /home/tatoeba/tatoeba-www/app/locale
* Choose a name for the file that will be generated (in this example, default.pot): default.pot
* Choose: Q (quit)


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.