Version at: 22/02/2014, 23:37


This page describes the various repositories in which code related to Tatoeba is stored, and provides convenient links to those repositories. Viewing some of the repositories my require registration. Contact Team Tatoeba for access.

##GitHub Repositories

GitHub is the host we now favor for Tatoeba projects. Most, but not all, of the repositories associated with Tatoeba are found on the GitHub [Tatoeba organization page](

###Code currently used by Tatoeba

The [tatoeba2 repository]( contains the main part of the Tatoeba codebase, written in PHP. Its code and issue tickets were cloned from the [Assembla repository]() (see below), which is now obsolete. The documentation stored at the Assembla repository is being ported to this wiki.

The [tatowiki repository]( contains the code that supports this wiki. It is based on the cppcms framework.

###Code to be used by Tatoeba in the future

The [TatoImage repository]( contains code related to image manipulation and avatar caching.

The [tatodb repository]( contains a graph database library and server, written in C, for dealing with the representation of sentences in Tatoeba. It is designed to be significantly more efficient than using an SQL database.
The [suggestd repository]( pertains to autocompletion functionality.
The [tatoeba-api repository]( does not currently contain any code, but its [wiki]( does contain the [Tatoeba API specification, version 2](

version at: 22/02/2014, 23:41


This page describes the various repositories in which code related to Tatoeba is stored, and provides convenient links to those repositories. Viewing some of the repositories my require registration. Contact Team Tatoeba for access.

##GitHub Repositories

GitHub is the host we now favor for Tatoeba projects. Most, but not all, of the repositories associated with Tatoeba are found on the GitHub [Tatoeba organization page](

###Code currently used by Tatoeba

The [tatoeba2 repository]( contains the main part of the Tatoeba codebase, written in PHP. Its code and issue tickets were cloned from the [Assembla repository]() (see below), which is now obsolete. The documentation stored at the Assembla repository is being ported to this wiki.

The [Tatodetect repository]( contains the code for a web service to detect the language of a given string.

The [tatowiki repository]( contains the code that supports this wiki. It is based on the cppcms framework.

The [sinoparserd repository]( contains code for a service to transliterate and segment Chinese languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese).
###Code to be used by Tatoeba in the future

The [TatoImage repository]( contains code related to image manipulation and avatar caching.

The [tatodb repository]( contains a graph database library and server, written in C, for dealing with the representation of sentences in Tatoeba. It is designed to be significantly more efficient than using an SQL database.

The [suggestd repository]( pertains to autocompletion functionality.
The [tatoeba-api repository]( does not currently contain any code, but its [wiki]( does contain the [Tatoeba API specification, version 2](


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.