This page show a previous version of the articleGSoC 2015 Project ideas
This page lists project ideas for students who would like to take part in Google Summer of Code 2015 and be mentored by Tatoeba.
About Tatoeba
- Email/Google groups: Tatoeba's dev mailing list
- IRC: Tatoeba on #Freenode, Webchat
- XMPP: Tatoeba conference room on
To get a feeling for the discussions taking place within the Tatoeba contributor community, visit the Tatoeba Wall page.
How to submit ideas
If you would like to submit an idea and do not have access to the wiki, please contact us and send us the information below. If you have access to the wiki, simply edit this page and add the information in the Ideas section.
### Project title **Description** Brief description of the project. If you have already specified a lot of things about the project, do not write all the details here. Create a separate wiki page for it and only write a summary here, with a link to that wiki page. **Deliverables** What is the student expected to deliver at the end of the summer. **Prerequisite knowledge** Technical knowledge required to be able to complete the project. If you do not know what are the prerequisite knowledge for the project you are proposing, you can leave this blank, someone else will complete it.
TODO: Copy-paste whatever can be reused from last year's project ideas page.