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Execute these instructions after you have followed the other instructions for setting up a development virtual machine. It is assumed that you have already installed libpq5.

Installing Sphinx on the VM

  • Download the latest version of Sphinx (starting out as the ordinary tatoeba user, not superuser):
$ mkdir ~/downloads
$ cd ~/downloads/
$ wget\_2.1.5-release-1~wheezy\_i386.deb
$ su -
$ dpkg -i sphinxsearch_2.1.5-release-1~wheezy_i386.deb
$ exit 
  • Now make the Sphinx directory and subdirectories:
$ mkdir ~/sphinx
$ cd ~/sphinx
$ mkdir indices
$ mkdir log
  • Edit docs/generate_sphinx_conf.php as follows:
    line 15
        $sourcePath = "/home/tatoeba/sphinx/indices";
    line 193-196:
        - sql_user = root
        - sql_pass = tatoeba
        - sql_db = tatoeba
        - sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
    line 383:
        - change `port` to `listen` because the latest sphinx version uses `listen` instead of `port`.
    line 384, 385, 388:
        - log = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/searchd.log
        - query_log = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/query.log
        - pid_file = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/
  • Generate the sphinx.conf file:
$ php generate\_sphinx\_conf.php > sphinx.conf
  • As superuser, copy sphinx.conf to sphinxsearch, index, and run the service:
$ su 
$ cp sphinx.conf /etc/sphinxsearch/
$ indexer --all
$ searchd
$ exit
  • If you want to stop the service, execute:
service sphinxsearch stop