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Advanced Search

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The page How to Search for Text describes how to search for text using the regular search bar at the top of every Tatoeba page. Advanced search works the same, but gives you more options. There are three main sections:

  • Sentences
  • Translations
  • Sort


The Sentences section contains the following fields:

  • Words: lets you enter a word or phrase, using the same rules as in regular search

  • Language: lets you limit sentences to a specific language (ignored if set to "Any language")

  • Show translations in: limits the translations shown for a sentence (ignored if set to "All languages")

  • Owner: limits sentences to the ones owned by a particular owner, such as TRANG

  • Is orphan: if set to Yes, finds only sentences that are orphaned (not owned by anyone); if set to No (the default), finds only words that have an owner; if set to Any, will be ignored; note that the quality of sentences that are not owned by anyone cannot be trusted as much as sentences that have an owner

  • Is unapproved: if set to Yes, finds only sentences that are unapproved; if set to No (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to Any, will be ignored; note that unapproved sentences should not be trusted

  • Has audio: if set to Yes, finds only sentences that have audio that you can listen to by pressing the speaker icon next to the sentence; if set to No (the default), finds only sentences that are not unapproved; if set to Any, will be ignored

  • Tags: lets you specify tags (such as @change or imperative) that sentences must have in order to match

  • Belongs to list: choose a list of sentences, or leave as Unspecified to ignore

  • Owned by a self-identified native: limit the search to sentences written in languages that the owners indicate in their profile as their strongest (usually their native language)


The Translations section lets you limit the search either to sentences with translations that have certain qualities, or to sentences with translations that do not have certain qualities.

The first field in the section lets you choose between:

  • Limit to: includes only sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

  • Exclude: excludes sentences with translations that have the qualities you specify

The other fields are as follows:

  • Language: language of the translations; will be ignored if set to Any language

  • Link: set to Any to choose sentences with direct and indirect translations; set to Direct to choose sentences with direct translations (sentences that someone has specifically marked as translations); set to Indirect to choose sentences that are translations of translations, but not necessary direct translations

  • Owner: for a description, see Owner under the Sentences section

  • Is orphan: for a description, see Is orphan under the Sentences section

  • Is unapproved: for a description, see Is unapproved under the Sentences section

  • Has audio: for a description, see Has audio under the Sentences section


The Sort section lets you choose the order in which sentences are listed. You can choose between the following options:

  • Relevance: this option, which is the default, favors sentences that favor an exact match for the search query, followed by sentences with the fewest words (see description)

  • Fewest words first: favors sentences that contain fewer words

  • Last created first: favors sentences that were created most recently

  • Last modified first: favors sentences that were changed most recently

  • Random: lists sentences in random order

You can use "Reverse order" to reverse the order of the sort. It has no effect on Random sort order.