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How to Write Dialogues

Why Write Dialogues

In order to provide context, sometimes single sentences are not enough.

Formatting Standards - Examples

English - Put each sentence in (double) quotes.

"I caught a bad cold." "That's too bad."

Japanese - Put each sentence in quotes 「 」without 。


Others - (In Progress - Just Notes)


75 examples by native speakers use "SENTENCE_1" "SENTENCE_2" (Same as English)

5 examples by native speakers use "SENTENCE_1" - "SENTENCE_2"

German - Not Yet Standard

180 examples by native speakers using this format. "SENTENCE_1" "SENTENCE_2"

82 examples by native speakers using this format. "SENTENCE_1" - "SENTENCE_2"


193 examples by native speakers use the same pattern as English. "SENTENCE_1" "SENTENCE_2"