This page show a previous version of the articleHow to Install the Tatoeba Web App on a Virtual Machine
How to Install the Tatoeba Web App on a Virtual Machine
*Grab the vm file
*Untar the file:
on windows: use 7zip []
on linux: use file-roller or from the terminal:
tar -xvf vmfile
*Get and install virtual box []
*Load the vm files in virtualbox:
from the GUI: Machine -> Add then browse to the location of the .vbox file
from the commandline: VBoxManage registervm /path/to/vm.vbox
*The default http port is 8080 and the default ssh port is 4242
*To ssh into the machine use the username tatoeba and password tatoeba:
ssh -p 4242 tatoeba@
*Now you can see the website running in your browser, just point it to the following address:
*The mysql user is root and password is tatoeba in case you need to do operations directly on the table or import more data
*To hack the codebase in your favorite editor in the comfort of your host computer there's 3 ways:
*Mount a drive over ssh:
*on windows: download netdrive [] and use the aforementioned credentials and port
*on linux: install sshfs and then mount it using:
sshfs tatoeba@ /path/to/mountpoint
*Mount a drive over webdav:
*on windows: use netdrive, the user and password is tatoeba the port is 8080
*on linux: use your favorite file manager with webdav support, or install cadaver and connect using the above credentials
*Mount a shared file (slow and not recommended):
*Setup Guest additions []
*In the GUI select Devices -> Shared Folders -> Add
*browse to the folder you want to share from your host and select it
*Select the Make permanent option
*Now mount the shared file on the guest system:
mount -t vboxfs /media/sharefoldername /path/to/mountpoint
*You can also install a graphical environment (gnome or any other DE) to work directly from the vm:
apt-get install task-gnome-desktop
*Make sure your codebase is up to date before coding anything with:
cd ~/tatoeba-www
svn update
*After you have hacked the code enough and would want to update the main repository do the following:
*make sure your config files aren't being commited:
svn ingore config/*
*make sure you're still up to date then commit your changes:
svn update
svn commit