
This page show a previous version of the article


Use this page to experiment with wiki markup.

Bulleted lists

Nested bulleted list with two spaces for the second level of indentation and four spaces for the fourth:

  • a
    • a.b
      • a.b.c
    • a.v
  • z

That list looks correct in the preview and correct in the final presentation.

Another list where there are two spaces for each level of indentation:

  • a
    • a.b
      • a.b.c
    • a.v
  • z

Note that that list looks messed up in the preview, but correct in the final presentation.

and one where there are four spaces for each level of indentation:

  • a
    • a.b
      • a.b.c
    • a.v
  • z

That list looks correct in both the preview and the final presentation.


Only two levels of indentation are shown in the "How to Format Text" box, but in reality, more are available:

Third level of indentation

Fourth level of indentation

Fifth level of indentation

However, the fifth level looks smaller than body text.


Code sample (note that the format differs between preview mode and final presentation):

if (a) b else c

Bookmarklet code

First bookmarklet test (which succeeds in both preview and presentation modes):


Second bookmarklet test (which succeeds only in preview mode):

<a href="javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http://%5B^/%5D+/%5Ba-z%5D{3}/%29?%28sentences/show/%29?%28%5B1-9%5D%5B0-9%5D%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm%5B1%5D+%22links/add/%22+hm%5B3%5D+%22/%22+em%5B3%5D;location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};}">test 2a</a>

Third bookmarklet test (which succeeds only in preview mode; in presentation mode it points to

test 2


Fourth bookmarklet test (which fails in both preview mode and presentation mode; in presentation mode it points to

test 3

javascript:var%20u%20=%20"";var%20e=window.prompt("Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of" +"%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one","");if(e!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9])(#.)?/;var%20em=e.match(r);if(em!=null){var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match(r);u=hm1+"links/add/"+hm3+"/"+em3;location.href=u;}else{alert("Invalid%20input.")};}