This page show a previous version of the articleList of Functionality to Test
This page was originally cloned from a list posted at the Assembla project, last updated there on 2010-03-04. The version here will gradually be brought up to date.
List of functionality to test in Tatoeba, grouped by importance.
Very high priority
- sentence_comments/edit (currently in the repository, but not available on the server yet)
- sentences/show
- sentences/save_sentence
- sentences/save_translation
- sentences/search
- sentences/random
- sentences/statistics
- users/login
- users/logout
- users/register
- users/resend_registration_mail
- users/confirm_registration
- users/new_password
- users/captcha_image
- users/check_username
- users/check_email
High priority
- contributions/latest
- sentence_comments/show
- sentence_comments/save
- sentences/several_random_sentences
- sentences/change_language
- tools/kakasi
- user/index
- user/profile
- user/save_description
- user/save_contact
- user/save_password
- users/all
- wall/index
- wall/save
- wall/save_inside
Medium priority
- contributions/index
- contributions/statistics
- favorites/add_favorite
- favorites/remove_favorite
- private_messages/*
- sentence_comments/index
- sentence_comments/delete_comment
- sentences/go_to_sentence
- sentences/add
- sentences/adopt
- sentences/let_go
- sentences_lists/*
- user/save_image
- user/save_basic
- user/save_settings
- users/search
Low priority
- contributions/activity_timeline
- sentence_annotations/*
- sentences/my_sentences
- sinograms/*
- user/stats
- users/show
- visitors/*
- wall/delete_message
Very low priority
- favorites/of_user
- followers/*
- sentences/delete
- sentences/count_unknown_language
- sentences/unknown_language
- sentences/set_languages
- sentences/map
- users/index
- users/edit
- users/delete