This page show a previous version of the articleExecute these instructions after you have followed the other instructions for setting up a development virtual machine. It is assumed that you have already installed libpq5.
Installing Sphinx on the VM
Download the latest version of Sphinx (starting out as the ordinary tatoeba user, not superuser):
mkdir ~/downloads
cd ~/downloads/
su -
dpkg -i sphinxsearch_2.1.5-release-1~wheezy_i386.deb
Now make the Sphinx directory and subdirectories:
mkdir ~/sphinx
cd ~/sphinx
mkdir indices
mkdir log
Edit docs/generate_sphinx_conf.php as follows:
line 15 $sourcePath = "/home/tatoeba/sphinx/indices" line 193-196:
line 383:- sql\_user = root - sql\_pass = tatoeba - sql\_db = tatoeba - sql\_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
line 384, 385, 388:- change "port" to "listen" because the latest sphinx version uses "listen" instead of "port".
- log = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/searchd.log - query\_log = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/query.log - pid\_file = /home/tatoeba/sphinx/log/