| | Version at: 19/01/2014, 16:02 vs. version at: 19/01/2014, 16:03 |
1 | 1 | #List of Tatoeba bookmarklets |
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | See [Bookmarklets](bookmarklets) for an introduction to bookmarklets, including instructions for installing them. |
4 | 4 | |
5 | 5 | The first two bookmarklets below will accept either sentence numbers (for example, "1000000") or sentence URLs (for example, "http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/1000000"). To get the URL of a sentence, right-click on a link to it and select "Copy Link Location" (or its equivalent in your browser). |
6 | 6 | |
7 | 7 | ## * "Link To This Sentence" |
8 | 8 | |
9 | | The following bookmarklet will let you link the sentence on the current page to any other sentence by copying the latter's number or URL into a field. You can drag and drop this link to your browser's bookmark toolbar: |
| 9 | The following bookmarklet will let you link the sentence on the current page to any other sentence by copying the latter's number or URL into a field. You can drag and drop this link to your browser's bookmark toolbar. |
10 | 10 | |
11 | 11 | [Link to This Sentence](javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/%29?%28sentences\/show\/%29?%28[1-9][0-9]%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm1+%22links/add/%22+hm[3]+%22/%22+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};}) |
12 | 12 | |
13 | 13 | The text of the bookmarklet follows: |
14 | 14 | |
15 | 15 | javascript:var%20u%20=%20"";var%20e=window.prompt("Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of" +"%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one","");if(e!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9]*)(#.*)?/;var%20em=e.match(r);if(em!=null){var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match(r);u=hm[1]+"links/add/"+hm[3]+"/"+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert("Invalid%20input.")};} |
16 | 16 | |
17 | 17 | Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre |
18 | 18 | |
19 | 19 | ## * "Link 2 Sentences" |
20 | 20 | |
21 | 21 | The following bookmarklet will let you link any two sentences by copying their numbers or URLs into fields. It does not require you to be on a page that shows one of the sentences. However, you need to enter the numbers or URLs of both sentences. The text of the bookmarklet follows: |
22 | 22 | |
23 | 23 | javascript:var%20u="";function%20err(){alert("Invalid%20input.");}var%20ep="Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%20";var%20sp="%20sentence";var%20s0=window.prompt(ep+"first"+sp,"");if(s0!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9]*)(#.*)?/;var%20m0=s0.match(r);if(m0!=null){var%20s1=window.prompt(ep+"second"+sp,"");if(s1!=null){var%20m1=s1.match(r);if(m1!=null){u="htt"+"p:/"+"/"+"tatoeba.org/eng/links/add/"+m0[3]+"/"+m1[3];location.href=u;}else{err();}}}else{err();}} |
24 | 24 | |
25 | 25 | Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre |
26 | 26 | |
27 | 27 | ## * "Go to Random Page of Untranslated Sentences" |
28 | 28 | |
29 | 29 | The following bookmarklet takes you to a random page between 1 and 100 (inclusive) of results from a search for all Esperanto sentences not translated into English. Here's a link that you can drag and drop into your browser's bookmark toolbar: |
30 | 30 | |
31 | 31 | [Random Page of Untranslated Sentences](javascript:var%20p=Math.floor%28%28Math.random%28%29*100%29+1%29;location.href=%22htt%22+%22p://t%22+%22atoeba.org/eng/sentences/show_all_in/epo/und/eng/indifferent/page:%22+p;) |
32 | 32 | |
33 | 33 | The content follows: |
34 | 34 | |
35 | 35 | javascript:var%20p=Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);location.href="htt"+"p://t"+"atoeba.org/eng/sentences/show_all_in/epo/und/eng/indifferent/page:"+p; |
36 | 36 | |
37 | 37 | * To change the source language, edit the string "epo". |
38 | 38 | * To change the destination language, edit the string "eng". |
39 | 39 | * To change the minimum page number, edit the string "1". |
40 | 40 | * To change the maximum page number, edit the string "100". |
41 | 41 | |
42 | 42 | |
43 | 43 | |
44 | 44 | Author: AlanF_US |
45 | 45 | |
46 | 46 | ::: |
47 | 47 | |
48 | 48 | |
49 | 49 | |
50 | 50 | [1]: |
51 | 51 | javascript:var%20p=Math.floor((Math.random()*100)+1);location.href=%22htt%22+%22p://t%22+%22atoeba.org/eng/sentences/show_all_in/epo/und/eng/indifferent/page:%22+p; |
52 | 52 | |
diff view generated by jsdifflib |
Version at: 19/01/2014, 16:02
#List of Tatoeba bookmarklets
See [Bookmarklets](bookmarklets) for an introduction to bookmarklets, including instructions for installing them.
The first two bookmarklets below will accept either sentence numbers (for example, "1000000") or sentence URLs (for example, "http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/1000000"). To get the URL of a sentence, right-click on a link to it and select "Copy Link Location" (or its equivalent in your browser).
## * "Link To This Sentence"
The following bookmarklet will let you link the sentence on the current page to any other sentence by copying the latter's number or URL into a field. You can drag and drop this link to your browser's bookmark toolbar:
[Link to This Sentence](javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/%29?%28sentences\/show\/%29?%28[1-9][0-9]%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm1+%22links/add/%22+hm[3]+%22/%22+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};})
The text of the bookmarklet follows:
javascript:var%20u%20=%20"";var%20e=window.prompt("Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of" +"%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one","");if(e!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9]*)(#.*)?/;var%20em=e.match(r);if(em!=null){var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match(r);u=hm[1]+"links/add/"+hm[3]+"/"+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert("Invalid%20input.")};}
Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre
## * "Link 2 Sentences"
The following bookmarklet will let you link any two sentences by copying their numbers or URLs into fields. It does not require you to be on a page that shows one of the sentences. However, you need to enter the numbers or URLs of both sentences. The text of the bookmarklet follows:
Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre
## * "Go to Random Page of Untranslated Sentences"
The following bookmarklet takes you to a random page between 1 and 100 (inclusive) of results from a search for all Esperanto sentences not translated into English. Here's a link that you can drag and drop into your browser's bookmark toolbar:
[Random Page of Untranslated Sentences](javascript:var%20p=Math.floor%28%28Math.random%28%29*100%29+1%29;location.href=%22htt%22+%22p://t%22+%22atoeba.org/eng/sentences/show_all_in/epo/und/eng/indifferent/page:%22+p;)
The content follows:
* To change the source language, edit the string "epo".
* To change the destination language, edit the string "eng".
* To change the minimum page number, edit the string "1".
* To change the maximum page number, edit the string "100".
Author: AlanF_US
version at: 19/01/2014, 16:03
#List of Tatoeba bookmarklets
See [Bookmarklets](bookmarklets) for an introduction to bookmarklets, including instructions for installing them.
The first two bookmarklets below will accept either sentence numbers (for example, "1000000") or sentence URLs (for example, "http://tatoeba.org/eng/sentences/show/1000000"). To get the URL of a sentence, right-click on a link to it and select "Copy Link Location" (or its equivalent in your browser).
## * "Link To This Sentence"
The following bookmarklet will let you link the sentence on the current page to any other sentence by copying the latter's number or URL into a field. You can drag and drop this link to your browser's bookmark toolbar.
[Link to This Sentence](javascript:var%20u%20=%20%22%22;var%20e=window.prompt%28%22Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of%22+%22%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one%22,%22%22%29;if%28e!=null%29{var%20r=/%28http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/%29?%28sentences\/show\/%29?%28[1-9][0-9]%29%28#.%29?/;var%20em=e.match%28r%29;if%28em!=null%29{var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match%28r%29;u=hm1+%22links/add/%22+hm[3]+%22/%22+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert%28%22Invalid%20input.%22%29};})
The text of the bookmarklet follows:
javascript:var%20u%20=%20"";var%20e=window.prompt("Enter%20URL%20or%20number%20of" +"%20sentence%20to%20link%20to%20this%20one","");if(e!=null){var%20r=/(http:\/\/[^\/]+\/[a-z]{3}\/)?(sentences\/show\/)?([1-9][0-9]*)(#.*)?/;var%20em=e.match(r);if(em!=null){var%20h=location.href;var%20hm=h.match(r);u=hm[1]+"links/add/"+hm[3]+"/"+em[3];location.href=u;}else{alert("Invalid%20input.")};}
Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre
## * "Link 2 Sentences"
The following bookmarklet will let you link any two sentences by copying their numbers or URLs into fields. It does not require you to be on a page that shows one of the sentences. However, you need to enter the numbers or URLs of both sentences. The text of the bookmarklet follows:
Author: AlanF_US, based on a bookmarklet by Zifre
## * "Go to Random Page of Untranslated Sentences"
The following bookmarklet takes you to a random page between 1 and 100 (inclusive) of results from a search for all Esperanto sentences not translated into English. Here's a link that you can drag and drop into your browser's bookmark toolbar:
[Random Page of Untranslated Sentences](javascript:var%20p=Math.floor%28%28Math.random%28%29*100%29+1%29;location.href=%22htt%22+%22p://t%22+%22atoeba.org/eng/sentences/show_all_in/epo/und/eng/indifferent/page:%22+p;)
The content follows:
* To change the source language, edit the string "epo".
* To change the destination language, edit the string "eng".
* To change the minimum page number, edit the string "1".
* To change the maximum page number, edit the string "100".
Author: AlanF_US
The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version.
The lines in red are those that have been removed.