Version at: 06/04/2014, 17:32

#Admin logs 

Please post a description here every time you do a modification on 

### 6th April 2014 19:00 France time

* who: Trang
* what:

 git update-index --assume-unchanged app/app_controller.php
git update-index --assume-unchanged app/config/core.php
git update-index --assume-unchanged app/config/database.php
git update-index --assume-unchanged app/controllers/components/mailer.php
* why: to avoid commiting files with passwords and stuff.

### 29th March 2014 22:00 Eastern U.S. time

   * who: alanf, guided by Trang
   * why: [add 15 new languages](
### 25th March 2014 22:00 Eastern U.S. time

   * who: alanf
   * why: add audio
   * what: 
        * sync up to most recent commit

            * i18n-ized "edited" word

            * German UI rework (extensive)

        * added audio:

            * several dozen sentences by CK

            * three sentences by LR

### 23rd March 2014 17:30 France time

   * who: alanf, guided by Trang
   * why: release code on github and index all sentences ([release notes](
   * what:

### 23rd February 2014 15AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why:  wiki: fixed redirect problem after login and added reset password feature 
  * what:  updated tatowiki on to 0.23.0 

### 11nd February 2014 01AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why:  restored transliteration for most languages
  * what:  linked nihongoparserd with tatoeba php code mostly
  * how:

I've applied [this patch](, it's not yet into the SVN (need someone to do it for me, don't remember my SVN accounts). Also note the `romanization` variable would be better named `transliteration` 

also I've commented the line `return false;` in `getRomanization`  file `app/models/sentences.php` as it's supposed to well... deactivate transliteration (for dev environment) 

also commented temporaly all call to `sinoparserd` as it's not yet restored 

### 10nd February 2014 11PM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: installed nihongoparserd (service to generate japanese reading)
  * what:  compiled source and installed service
  * how:


     apt-get install git cmake g++ libmecab-dev mecab-jumandic-utf8


     git clone
     cd nihongoparserd
     mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make 
     sudo cp nihongoparserd /usr/local/bin
     cd ..
     sudo cp conf/nihongoparserd /etc/init.d/
     sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nihongoparserd
     sudo cp conf/default /etc/default/nihongoparserd
     sudo useradd -r nihongoparserd

start the service 


### 9nd February 2014 10AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: reinstall suggestd (service powering tag autocompletion)
  * what:  compiled source and installed service
  * how:


    apt-get install gcc automake make libevent-dev libsqlite3-dev pkg-config libexpat1-dev libmysqlclient-dev

compiled suggestd0.9

    automake --add-missing

    make install

after created init script in 


and configuration file in 


and default file in 


then create a suggestd user

    useradd -r suggestd

then finally starting it 

    /etc/init.d/suggestd start 

###2nd February 2014 5AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: resolve login problems 
  * what:  used memcache instead of sqlite for storing session
  * how:


       apt-get install memcached php5-memcache 

modified: `/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini`

session.save_handler = memcache

version at: 06/04/2014, 17:33

#Admin logs 

Please post a description here every time you do a modification on 

### 6th April 2014 19:00 France time

* who: Trang
* what:

> git update-index --assume-unchanged app/app_controller.php
> git update-index --assume-unchanged app/config/core.php
> git update-index --assume-unchanged app/config/database.php
> git update-index --assume-unchanged app/controllers/components/mailer.php

* why: to avoid commiting files with passwords and stuff.

### 29th March 2014 22:00 Eastern U.S. time

   * who: alanf, guided by Trang
   * why: [add 15 new languages](
### 25th March 2014 22:00 Eastern U.S. time

   * who: alanf
   * why: add audio
   * what: 
        * sync up to most recent commit

            * i18n-ized "edited" word

            * German UI rework (extensive)

        * added audio:

            * several dozen sentences by CK

            * three sentences by LR

### 23rd March 2014 17:30 France time

   * who: alanf, guided by Trang
   * why: release code on github and index all sentences ([release notes](
   * what:

### 23rd February 2014 15AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why:  wiki: fixed redirect problem after login and added reset password feature 
  * what:  updated tatowiki on to 0.23.0 

### 11nd February 2014 01AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why:  restored transliteration for most languages
  * what:  linked nihongoparserd with tatoeba php code mostly
  * how:

I've applied [this patch](, it's not yet into the SVN (need someone to do it for me, don't remember my SVN accounts). Also note the `romanization` variable would be better named `transliteration` 

also I've commented the line `return false;` in `getRomanization`  file `app/models/sentences.php` as it's supposed to well... deactivate transliteration (for dev environment) 

also commented temporaly all call to `sinoparserd` as it's not yet restored 

### 10nd February 2014 11PM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: installed nihongoparserd (service to generate japanese reading)
  * what:  compiled source and installed service
  * how:


     apt-get install git cmake g++ libmecab-dev mecab-jumandic-utf8


     git clone
     cd nihongoparserd
     mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make 
     sudo cp nihongoparserd /usr/local/bin
     cd ..
     sudo cp conf/nihongoparserd /etc/init.d/
     sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nihongoparserd
     sudo cp conf/default /etc/default/nihongoparserd
     sudo useradd -r nihongoparserd

start the service 


### 9nd February 2014 10AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: reinstall suggestd (service powering tag autocompletion)
  * what:  compiled source and installed service
  * how:


    apt-get install gcc automake make libevent-dev libsqlite3-dev pkg-config libexpat1-dev libmysqlclient-dev

compiled suggestd0.9

    automake --add-missing

    make install

after created init script in 


and configuration file in 


and default file in 


then create a suggestd user

    useradd -r suggestd

then finally starting it 

    /etc/init.d/suggestd start 

###2nd February 2014 5AM China time

  * who: sysko
  * why: resolve login problems 
  * what:  used memcache instead of sqlite for storing session
  * how:


       apt-get install memcached php5-memcache 

modified: `/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini`

session.save_handler = memcache


The lines in green are the lines that have been added in the new version. The lines in red are those that have been removed.