This page show a previous version of the articleHow to contribute under CC0
When contributing to Tatoeba, your sentences are by default redistributed under CC-BY. There is however also the possibility to contribute under CC0.
Because this feature is still new, you will need permission to access it.
- Contact Trang via private message.
- Simply write "CC0" for the title of the message.
- Explain shortly why you prefer to use CC0 instead of CC-BY. This is mostly to ensure that you have a basic understanding of these licenses and are not just making a random decision.
Once you are granted permission, you will see new elements on the website.
- On the page to add new sentences, you will see a dropdown to choose the license.
- On the sentence's page, you will see also see a dropdown to switch the license of your sentences.
- Finally, you will be able to access a page to switch the license of all your sentences (for sentences that are eligible).